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Archived Messages

Found Faithful!

Message #10 in the Series Successful in Whose Eyes?– Air Date December 2, 2019

When the Lord looks at our “history” and current life, what does He see?   Hopefully, one word hopefully would be the word, “faithful”.  All this week on CrossHope, we study a man named Caleb who was described as faithful for 45 years, waiting on a promise of God made to him.  The last book of the Bible, Revelation, written by the Apostle John says, “Be faithful, even unto death!”

      Found Faithful! Podcast

Compassion and Capacity

Special Message 19 – Air Date November 25, 2019

Perhaps you have felt compassion from someone who cared about your situation in life.  But truth be known, they didn’t have the capacity to do anything about your problem.  Likewise, we’ve all known people who have had little or no compassion, but did have the capacity to help.  The Lord God Almighty has both in your life and mine!  We pull away from the Joshua series for Thanksgiving week to look at what is called, “the feeding of 4,000” in Matthew.

      Compassion and Capacity, Podcast