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Message 4 in the Series ‘Successful, In Whose Eyes?’ – Air Date October 7, 2019
Do you have something in your life that is a reminder of a place, a person, or an event? Sure, we all do! This week’s message is about what the book of Joshua refers to as “stones of memory”. They were 12 stones that were taken out of the Jordan River to remind the Israelites that God had miraculously made it possible for the whole nation to cross the river! What reminds you of something the Lord has done in your life?
Message 3 in the Series ‘Successful, In Whose Eyes?’ – Air Date September 30, 2019
Most people have an “uncrossable” river in their lives. It’s something from our past that seemingly cannot be dealt with, moved, or transversed. It could be a past failure or sin. It could be an embarrassing situation never faced. It could be the inability to change. Perhaps you know what that is in your life. This week we study the river Jordan and the crossing of 500,000 to 1,000,000 people of Israel. It’s a remarkable story and a lesson for your life and mine!