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Submission, Not What You Think

Message 12 in the Series ‘A Totally New Life… In Christ – Air Date December 28th, 2020

This is the last week this program will air on Sirius/XM.  After 10.5 years on the “Family Talk Channel”, the decision was made to end this phase of the ministry.  The program will continue to air on WFCJ- FM 93.7 in Dayton, Ohio.  (It will have the new name, “Heritage” radio on the Dayton station.)  We’re simply using the very next message in the series in Ephesians.

It’s a message on one word, the word submission.  That is a very unpopular word in our culture today, but if you’re brave enough to listen, you actually may look at the word differently!

      Submission, Not what you Think, Podcast - Randy Snyder

Verse of the Day

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.