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Archived Messages

The God of Truth!

Message 3 in the Series ‘The God We Know… The God We Believe!’ – Air Date June 29, 2020

Whatever you may think of God and what kind of being He is, you and I need to know this very simple statement.  God is the God of truth.  Truth matters to Him so much, that He told the prophet Jeremiah that if he could find “one honest man or woman” in the city of Jerusalem, He would spare the city from destruction!  That is no small thing!

      The God of Truth! Podcast

The God That is Forgotten!

Message 2 in the Series ‘The God We Know… The God We Believe!’ – Air Date June 22, 2020

The biblical term for “forgetting” actually has two meanings.  First, to forget can mean to “cease to remember”.  Worse than that, it can mean “to cease to care”.  We’ve all been all the receiving end of someone else’s forgetting.  But if we are honest, we have been on the giving end of ceasing to remember or ceasing to care, by choice!  The most extreme example is when a person does that with the Lord of Heaven and earth!  The Lord tells us of the sin of forgetting through Jeremiah 2.

      The God That Is Forgotten! Podcast