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Message 7 in the Series ‘LIVING THE LIFE…. FOR REAL!’ – Air Date March 9, 2020
Did you know that in church history there were some who didn’t think the book of James should be included in what is called the “Canon of the New Testament”? Some thought that James perhaps contradicted the writings of the Apostle Paul when he said that “faith without works is dead”. Paul taught that we are saved by grace through faith! James took the matter a step further. What does your faith enable you and I to do?
Message 6 in the Series ‘LIVING THE LIFE…. FOR REAL!’ – Air Date March 2, 2020
I doubt if there are many people reading this that would think of themselves as a “law breaker”. If we’re believers, we’re all “law keepers”, right? Don’t be too quick to answer that question. This message contains one of the most powerful illustrations I’ve ever used. It’s not a “tear jerker” type of story, it’s simply a story that illustrates the text better than any other story I could use.