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Message 5 in the Series ‘LIVING THE LIFE…. FOR REAL!’ – Air Date February 24, 2020
The word is “favoritism”. What does that word mean to you? Maybe it brings up memories from childhood about a brother or sister, or even a classmate. Did you know that in the early church, favoritism was a problem? People showed favoritism toward people with money and fine clothes. James tells his audience plainly, it is a sin! Like any other sin, it requires the forgiveness of Christ!
Message 4 in the Series ‘LIVING THE LIFE…. FOR REAL!’ – Air Date February 17, 2020
This is the second half of a 2-part message on the subject of anger. According to an author by the name of Clarence McCartney of years gone by, “Anger negatively impacts friendships, destroys peace and concord in the home, and generally wreaks havoc in groups of any size!” What has anger done in your life and circle? More than you know!