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Two Words: Peace and Hostility

Message 4 in the Series ‘A Totally New Life… In Christ – Air Date November 2nd, 2020

Occasionally, we discover another meaning to a word we use commonly.  Perhaps it will happen to you this week on CrossHope with these two words we use often, peace and hostility.  They are the two operative words in our text today in Ephesians.  The Apostle Paul reminds new Christians who were Gentiles or non-Jewish believers of what they were before coming to Christ.  Before becoming Christians, they were “without hope and without God in the world.”  But now, they have been “bought near to God through the very blood of Jesus Christ!”

      Two Words: Peace and Hostility, Podcast - Randy Snyder

Dead or Alive?

Message 3 in the Series ‘A Totally New Life… In Christ – Air Date October 26th, 2020

Years ago, someone asked me this question.  “If there were just one scripture you were allowed to share with people to lead them to Christ, what would that passage be?”  Today’s text is that passage.  This is the passage that I honestly believe is possible to lead someone to Christ, if they could only read this one!  It simply says we are “dead” without Christ in our lives and “alive” with Him!  It really “cuts to the chase”. Death and life are pretty basic terms to most of us.
