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Message 13 in the Series ‘The God We Know… The God We Believe!’ – Air Date September 7th, 2020
Most people pray in a crisis or emergency situation, but not much more than that. Others pray as a matter of “religious behavior or obligation”. Still there are those who pray because of their relationship with our heavenly Father. For them, prayer comes naturally and from the heart. Where are you on that spectrum? This week we look at Jeremiahs prayer to the Lord and what it means for us in 2020!
Message 12 in the Series ‘The God We Know… The God We Believe!’ – Air Date August 31, 2020
If you are believer in Jesus Christ, you are in a covenant relationship with God the Father through God the Son! It’s His covenant, and we step into that covenant for the rest of our lives. People end or even break covenants today in 2020. (Including a covenant called marriage) Breaking covenant with the Heavenly Father is the most serious of all. Jeremiah talks about the “old covenant” God made with Moses. He then refers to the “new covenant” in a prophetic way. You and I live under that covenant!