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Message 6 in the Series ‘A Totally New Life… In Christ‘ – Air Date November 16th, 2020
There’s a connection between gratitude and memory. If you forget what someone has done for you, you’re not real grateful to that person. That’s true in a marriage, a family, and in your relationship with the Living God! But the word “forget” means more than just “ceasing to remember”. It actually has a frightening definition that we discuss this week. It’s a fitting passage for Thanksgiving week.
Message 5 in the Series ‘A Totally New Life… In Christ‘ – Air Date November 9th, 2020
Does humility play a part in your life? In many people’s lives, humility takes a back seat. In some lives, it rides in the trunk. This week we look at why humility is not a suggestion, but a strong admonition to you and me! The Apostle Paul gives us all a lesson in humility, the why of humility, and the result of not being humble! Someone reading this needs to listen to this.